Apache ActiveMQ ™ -- Broadcasting

Features > ActiveMQ Real Time > Broadcasting

ActiveBlaze provides infrastructure for fast, reliable peer to peer messaging to meet the demands of high performance and collaborative applications.
Using the basic building block of a Channel, there exists a functional hierarchy used for different problem domains, each one a super-set of the previous one.

The BlazeChannel supports broadcasting on Topics - either using reliable multicast or point-cast.

To use a BlazeChannel create one from the a factory:

import org.apache.activeblaze.*; ... BlazeChannelFactory factory = new BlazeChannelFactory(); BlazeChannel sender = factory.createChannel(); //start the channel and send a message sender.start();

String destination = "foo.bar"; BlazeMessage msg = new BlazeMessage("test payload"); sender.broadcast(destination,msg); //shutdown the sender sender.shutDown();

You can similarly subscribe to Topic messages by using a listener

BlazeChannel receiver = factory.createChannel(); receiver.start();

//add a listener

receiver.addBlazeTopicMessageListener(destination, new BlazeMessageListener() { public void onMessage(BlazeMessage msg) { System.out.println("Got a msg: " + msg); } });


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