Apache ActiveMQ ™ -- How do I edit the website

FAQ > General > How do I edit the website

The website is all contained on a Wiki so that anyone can contribute

How to edit

You can also click the edit button when viewing the website which is located on the bottom of each page.

Spam Prevention

We have been attacked by spammers so we are running a spam-avoiding scheme. So you have to ask to be added to the editing group of Confluence. This is quick and easy to do.

Just send a quick mail to the Discussion Forums giving details of your confluence username and we can grant you the necessary editing karma.

Note that after you've changed the wiki it is immediately rendered on the http://cwiki.apache.org/ACTIVEMQ/ site so you can test it out; then up to an hour or two later it is updated on the Apache site.

How the site works

There are a few special pages; for example the Navigation page is the left hand navigation bar and the QuickLinks is the top right navigation bar.

Other useful links are

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