Apache ActiveMQ ™ -- How can I enable detailed logging

FAQ > Configuration > How can I enable detailed logging

How can I enable detailed logging

We use slf4j which allows the underlying logging implementation to be statically bound at startup.
By default we ship with log4j but feel free to make your own choice.

If you've got log4j.jar on your classpath you can use a log4j.properties file to configure the logging levels. See the log4j.properties example for the kind of thing you'll need.

e.g. adding the following to your log4j.properties will enable tracing of ActiveMQ code:

in 4.x

log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq=INFO log4j.logger.org.apache.activemq.spring=WARN

in 3.x


Getting help on log4j

If you are new to log4j please see the log4j manual

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