Apache ActiveMQ ™ -- Integrating Apache ActiveMQ with Glassfish

Connectivity > Containers > Integrating Apache ActiveMQ with Glassfish


See this article for a description of how to connect Glassfish 3 to an ActiveMQ 5 broker, and consume messages using a Message Driven Bean: http://geertschuring.wordpress.com/2012/04/20/how-to-connect-glassfish-3-to-activemq-5/

Glassfish 4.1

  1. Add resource adapter

    1. Download the resource-adapter file suitable to your broker version:
    2. Deploy the resource adapter with the name "activemq-rar"

      bin/asadmin deploy --type rar --name activemq-rar /tmp/activemq-rar-5.11.1.rar

    3. Configure resource adapter
      (Failover Setup)

      bin/asadmin create-resource-adapter-config \ --property ServerUrl='failover\:(tcp\://broker-c1.foobar.local\:61616,tcp\://broker-c2.foobar.local\:61616,tcp\://broker-c3.foobar.local\:61616)?initialReconnectDelay\=2000&jms.useCompression\=true':UserName='admin':Password='admin' activemq-rar

  2. Create connector connection pool

    bin/asadmin create-connector-connection-pool \ --raname activemq-rar \ --connectiondefinition javax.jms.ConnectionFactory \ --ping true --isconnectvalidatereq true \ jms/myConnectionPool

  3. Create a connector resource (JNDI-Mapping for connection pool)

    bin/asadmin create-connector-resource \ --poolname jms/myConnectionPool \ jms/myConnectionFactory

  4. Configure JNDI mapping for a queue

    bin/asadmin create-admin-object \

      --raname activemq-rar \

    --restype javax.jms.Queue \ --property PhysicalName=MY.MAGIC.OUT \ jms/queue/MY.MAGIC.OUT

  5. Deploy your message driven beans and use the configured jndi names

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