Apache ActiveMQ ™ -- Outbound Communication

Connectivity > Containers > JBoss Integration > Outbound Communication

Configuring a Session Bean to send messages to ActiveMQ

In the attached example application, the three MDBs use the SenderEJB to send JMS messages to an ActiveMQ queue. In this example, I will be explaining how to:

  1. Configure and deploy an ActiveMQ Queue to JBoss
  2. Configure and deploy an ActiveMQ QueueConnectionFactory to JBoss
  3. Configure an EJB, deployed to JBoss, to reference the above two.

The Bean

In the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor, the SenderEJB is declared as follows:

ejb-jar.xml – session bean declaration

... SenderEJB ... com.panacya.platform.service.bus.sender.SenderBean ... jms/MyQueueConnectionFactory javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory ... jms/LogQueue javax.jms.Queue ... LoggingQueue

The jms/MyQueueConnectionFactory is the JNDI name the SenderEJB will use to lookup a javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory. We will configure it to point to an ActiveMQ QueueConnectionFactory.

The jms/LogQueue is the JNDI name the SenderEJB will use to lookup the javax.jms.Queue it will send messages to. We use the message-destination-link element to refer to the LoggingQueue which is declared in the assembly-descriptor section of the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor as:

ejb-jar.xml – assembly descriptor section

... LoggingQueue</message-destination-name> </message-destination> ... </assembly-descriptor>

This is a standard EJB deployment descriptor, nothing special.

The Connector

The resource-ref element shown above, will be linked to the following element in the ra.xml file, which is contained within the activemq-ra-1.2.rar file:

ra.xml – The QueueConnectionFactory

... ... javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory</connectionfactory-interface> org.activemq.ra.ActiveMQConnectionFactory</connectionfactory-impl-class> javax.jms.QueueConnection</connection-interface> ... </connection-definition> ... </outbound-resourceadapter>

The message-destination element shown above, will be linked to the following element in the ra.xml file:

ra.xml – The Queue

javax.jms.Queue org.activemq.message.ActiveMQQueue PhysicalName java.lang.String

The Glue

In JBoss, connecting the resources needed by the ejb-jar.xml file to resources provided by the ra.xml file involves two additional files:

  1. panacya-jms-ds.xml - This is a JBoss data source file. It specifies which connector objects JBoss should instantiate and where in JNDI JBoss should place those objects.
  2. jboss.xml - This is a JBoss deployment descriptor which is contained within the panacya-mdb-test-1.0.jar file. It links resources needed by the EJBs to the JNDI names of resources available in JBoss.
panacya-jms-ds.xmlThe JBoss Data Source File

This first snippet configures the QueueConnectionFactory, declared above, and places it in JNDI at activemq/QueueConnectionFactory:

panacya-jms-ds.xml – The QueueConnectionFactory

activemq/QueueConnectionFactory</jndi-name> activemq-ra-1.2-SNAPSHOT.rar</rar-name> javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory</connection-definition> JmsXARealm</security-domain-and-application> </tx-connection-factory>

This second snippet configures the Queue, declared above, and places it in JNDI at activemq/queue/outbound:

panacya-jms-ds.xml – The Queue

activemq/queue/outbound jboss.jca:service=RARDeployment,name='activemq-ra-1.2-SNAPSHOT.rar' javax.jms.Queue PhysicalName=queue.outbound

In the panacya-jms-ds.xml file section shown above, the value of the Properties element is set to PhysicalName=queue.outbound. This value is the physical name of the ActiveMQ destination the SenderEJB will be sending messages to and not a JNDI name. In other words, the value of the PhysicalName property has no meaning to JBoss. It is purely an ActiveMQ setting.

jboss.xmlThe JBoss Deployment Descriptor

This first snippet links the [jms/MyQueueConnectionFactory](../../../Connectivity/Containers/JBoss Integration/outbound-communication.md) JNDI name used by the SenderEJB to the resource name queuefactoryref which is local to the jboss.xml file:

jboss.xml – The QueueConnectionFactory for the SenderEJB

SenderEJB</ejb-name> jms/MyQueueConnectionFactory</res-ref-name> queuefactoryref</resource-name> </resource-ref> ... </enterprise-beans>

This second snippet links the local queuefactoryref name to the global JNDI name java:/activemq/QueueConnectionFactory which was declared above:

jboss.xml – Linking queuefactoryref to the global JNDI namespace

queuefactoryref</res-name> java:/activemq/QueueConnectionFactory</res-jndi-name> </resource-manager> ... </resource-managers>

This third snippet links the LoggingQueue, which was declared in the assembly-descriptor section of the ejb-jar.xml, to the global JNDI name activemq/queue/outbound which was declared above:

jboss.xml – Linking LoggingQueue to the global JNDI namespace

LoggingQueue</message-destination-name> activemq/queue/outbound</jndi-name> </message-destination> </assembly-descriptor>

The above example highlights the key configuration settings needed to enable EJBs deployed in JBoss to send JMS messages to an ActiveMQ destination.

You can try the above example, plus a few more, by downloading the activemq-jboss-test.zip file which contains the complete sample project.

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